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  Full-Time Part-Time Full and Part-Time  
Level Male Female Male Female Male Female Total
Doctorate 4 18 17 74 21 92 113
Education Specialist 13 62 3 13 16 75 91
Graduate 253 508 133 357 386 865 1,251
Law (Professional) 176 173 4 7 180 180 360
Master of Laws 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Physician Assistant 27 67 0 1 27 68 95
Undergraduate 912 1,379 190 276 1,102 1,655 2,757
Subtotals 1,385 2,207 347 728 1,732 2,935 4,667
Totals 3,592 1,075 4,667 4,677
 Race/Ethnicity UG GR Law Total
International 76 37 4 117
Hispanic 107 48 10 165
American Indian/AK Native 12 8 1 21
Asian 62 74 14 150
Black/African American 451 584 39 1,074
Native HI/Other Pacific Isldr. 1 0 0 1
Two or More Races 42 15 1 58
White 2,000 777 255 3,032
Unknown 6 7 36 49
Totals 2,757 1,550 360 4,667
  • Full-Time, First-Time, Degree-Seeking Cohort: 418
  • Average ACT: 24.7
  • IPEDS Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 15:1
Permanent Residence UG GR Law Total
In-State 1,917 1,136 311 3,364
Out-of-State 764 377 45 1,186
International 76 37 4 117
TOTALS 2,757 1,550 360 4,667
  • On-Campus Capacity Met: 91.0%