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  Full-Time Part-Time Full and Part-Time  
Level Male Female Male Female Male Female Total
Doctorate 5 26 26 84 31 110 141
Education Specialist 4 29 8 30 12 59 71
Graduate 191 353 173 454 364 807 1,171
Law (Professional) 166 165 4 4 170 169 339
Master of Laws 0 0 1 1 1 1 2
Physician Assistant 28 59 0 0 28 59 87
Undergraduate 1,003 1,513 160 268 1,163 1,781 2,944
Subtotals 1,397 2,145 372 841 1,769 2,986 4,755
Totals 3,542 1,213 4,755 4,755
 Race/Ethnicity UG GR Law Total
International 99 56 4 159
Hispanic 109 50 4 163
American Indian/AK Native 17 6 1 24
Asian 60 66 11 137
Black/African American 474 524 47 1,045
Native HI/Other Pacific Isldr. 2 1 0 3
Two or More Races 27 15 6 48
White 2,149 749 218 3,116
Unknown 7 3 50 60
Totals 2,944 1,470 341 4,755
  • Full-Time, First-Time, Degree-Seeking Cohort: 461
  • Average ACT: 25.3
  • Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 14:1
Permanent Residence UG GR Law Total
In-State 2,030 1,048 287 3,365
Out-of-State 815 366 50 1,231
International 99 56 4 159
TOTALS 2,944 1,470


  • On-Campus Capacity Met: 97.0%