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  Full-Time Part-Time Full and Part-Time  
Level Male Female Male Female Male Female Total
Doctorate 14 71 23 70 37 141 178
Education Specialist 2 8 7 39 9 47 56
Graduate 275 386 165 382 440 768 1,208
Law (Professional) 196 160 11 11 207 171 378
Master of Laws 5 2 5 3 10 5 15
Physician Assistant 37 53 0 0 37 53 90
Undergraduate 1,084 1,637 172 252 1,256 1,889 3,145
Subtotals 1,613 2,317 383 757 1,996 3,074 5,070
Totals 3,930 1,140 5,070 5,070
Race/Ethnicity Undergraduate Graduate Law Total
International 191 212 20 423
Hispanic 98 60 6 164
American Indian/AK Native 19 7 2 28
Asian 68 65 5 138
Black/African American 549 526 77 1,152
Native HI/Other Pacific Islander 5 3 0 8
Two or More Races 19 3 6 28
White 2,152 634 219 3,005
Unknown 44 22 58 124
Totals 3,145 1,532 393 5,070
  • Full-Time, First-Time, Degree-Seeking Cohort: 574
  • Average ACT: 24.6
  • Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 15:1
Permanent Undergraduate Graduate Law Total
In-State 2,164 985 350 3,499
Out-of-State 790 335 23 1,148
International 191 212 20 423
Totals 3,145 1,532 393 5,070
  • Percent On-Campus: 100%

The University calculates what percentage of first-time, full-time, bachelor's degree-seeking, freshmen return for the fall of their second year. The retention rate, a Key Performance Indicator, for Fall 2016 is 80%.

Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate
2015-2016 80%
2014-2015 79%
2013-2014 72%
2012-2013 69%
2011-2012 74%
2010-2011 76%
2009-2010 69%
2008-2009 67%
2007-2008 69%


July 1 - June 30 Undergraduate PB - Certificate Graduate PM - Certificate DR-Res DR-Prof Total
2015-2016 579 0 585 4 53 144 1,365
2014-2015 621 0 522 10 40 138 1,331
2013-2014 614 2 557 9 7 177 1,366
2012-2013 655 1 548 8 9 187 1,408
2011-2012 650 1 555 3 1 166 1,376
2010-2011 656 4 424 5 0 167 1,256
2009-2010 608 6 454 1 0 172 1,241
2008-2009 529 4 428 1 0 172 1,134
2007-2008 540 4 347 2 0 166 1,059

The University provides information on undergraduate graduation/completion rates. The graduation rate cohorts began their education six-years prior to the most recently completed academic year. The 6-year graduation rate for the most recently completed academic year is 54%. 

6-Year Period Graduate Rate
Fall 2010 - August 2016 59%
Fall 2009 - August 2015 54%
Fall 2008 - August 2014 54%
Fall 2007 - August 2013 53%
Fall 2006 - August 2012 62%
Fall 2005 - August 2011 51%
Fall 2004 - August 2010 55%
Fall 2003 - August 2009 52%
Fall 2002 - August 2008 59%

Need-Based Aid - Fall 2010 Cohort Graduating by August 31, 2016

  • Recipients of Federal Pell Grant and Subsidized Stafford Loan - 54%
  • Recipients of Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan Only - 52%
  • No Federal Pell Grant or Subsidized Stafford Loan - 67%
Rank Full-Time Part-Time Full and Part-Time Totals
  Male Female Male Female Male Female  
Professor 46 15 2 0 48 15 63
Associate Professor 20 28 1 0 21 28 49
Assistant Professor 35 39 3 0 38 39 77
Instructor 13 31 3 1 16 32 48
Adjunct* n/a n/a 81 121 81 121 202
Subtotals 114 113 90 122 204 235 439
Totals 227 212 439 439
Rank Tenured Tenure-Track Ineligible Totals
Professor 53 1 5 61
Associate Professor 33 12 3 48
Assistant Professor 2 42 30 74
Instructor 0 0 44 44
Clinical Professor 0 13 13
Totals 90 5 82 227
  • Full-time faculty with terminal degrees: 77%

*Source: Census enrollment and employee files run on October 20, 2016.