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Level Full-time Part-time Full & Part-time  
  Male Female Male Female Male Female Total
Undergraduate 1,048  1,575  144  275  1,192  1,850  3,042
Graduate 266 360  199  479  465  839  1,304 
Education Specialist 4 17  14  67  18  84  102 
Doctoral 6 24  42  14  66  80 
First-Professional 302 218  15  317  225  542 
Subtotal 1,626 2,194  380  870  2,006  3,064   
Total 3820  1,250 5,070  5,070 
Race/Ethnicity Undergraduate Graduate Law Total
Non-resident alien 98 118 11 227
Hispanic 51 14 7 72
American Indian/AK Native 18 6 3 27
Asian 42 60 5 107
Black/African American 725 536 38 1,299
Native HI/Other Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0
Two or more races 17 15 4 36
White 2,022 627 354 3,003
Unknown 69 110 1210 299
Total 3,042 1,486 542 5,070
  • Full-time, first-time, degree-seeking cohort: 465
  • Average ACT: 24
  • Student-to-faculty-ratio: 15:1
Permanent Residence Undergraduate Graduate Law Total
In-state 2,239 1,104 491 3,834
Out-of-state 705 264 40 1,009
International 98 118 11 227
Totals 3,042 1,486 542 5,070

The University calculates what percentage of first-time, full-time, bachelor's degree-seeking, freshmen return for the fall of their second year.  The university's retention rate goal is 70%. The retention rate, a Key Performance Indicator, for Fall 2012 was 74%

Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate
2011-2012 74%
2010-2011 76%
2009-2010 69%
2008-2009 67%
2007-2008 69%
July 1 - June 30 Undergraduate PB - Cert Graduate PM - Cert DR-Res DR-Prof Total
2011-2012 650 1 555 3 1 166 1,376
2010-2011 656 4 424 5 0 167 1,256
2009-2010 608 6 454 1 0 172 1,241
2008-2009 529 4 428 1 0 172 1,134
2007-2008 540 4 347 2 0 166 1,059

The University provides information on undergraduate graduation/completion rates. The graduation rate cohorts began their education six-years prior to the most recently completed academic year. The university's graduation rate goal is 56%. The 6-year graduation rate for the most recently completed academic year is 61%.

6-Year Period Graduation Rate
Fall 2006 - August 2012 62%
Fall 2005 - August 2011 51%
Fall 2004 - August 2010 55%
Fall 2003 - August 2009 52%
Fall 2002 - August 2008 59%

Fall 2006 Cohort Graduating by August 31, 2012

  • Federal Pell Grant - 54%
  • Subsidized Stafford only - 37%
  • No Pell or Stafford - 58%
Rank Full-time Part-time Full and Part-time Total
  Male Female Male Female Male Female  
Professor 47  12  2  0  49  12  61
Associate Professor 23 17  23  17  40 
Assistant Professor 25 42  25  42  67 
Instructor 12 28  14  30  44 
Adjunct 0 123  126  123  126  249 
Subtotal 106 99  128  128  234  227   
Total 205   256 461   461 
Rank Tenured Tenure-Track Ineligible Totals
Professor 52 1 6 59
Associate Professor 23 17 0 40
Assistant Professor 0 50 16 66
Instructor 0 0 40 40
Totals 75 68 62 205