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The following is intended as a brief overview of the Language, Writing & Linguistics (LWL) major curriculum. For full details regarding required classes, please see the Academic Catalog.

Course Number Course Name Hours
University Core University Core Requirements 36
Language Requirements Students must complete 18 hours of a single modern language  18



ENG 271 Introduction to Research Methods 3
ENG 321 Sentence Grammar and Style 3
ENG 371 Analysis of Discourse 3
ENG 471 Advanced Research and Composition 3
Linguistics Requirements   12
MLG 375 Phonetics and Phonology of English 3
MLG 401 Sociolinguistics and Dialect 3
MLG 451 Second Language Acquisition** 3
MLG 452 Applied Linguistics** 3
LWL Electives Students must complete 12 hours selected from the courses below: 12
MLG 440 Selected Topics (students may select this course if the special topic relates to linguistics; MLG 440 Food and Culture may not serve as a major elective) 3
MLG 450 The Multicultural Classroom** 3
MLG 453 Methods and Field Studies** 3
FRE 375 French Phonetics and Pronunciation 3
SPA 375 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology 3
ENG 250 Introduction to Creative Writing* 3
ENG 322 Language and Diversity 3
ENG 351 Creative Writing, Topics in Poetry* 3
ENG 352 Creative Writing, Topics in Narrative* 3
ENG 372 Rhetorical Devices and Designs 3
ENG 398 Practicum in Writing Consulting 3
ENG 450 Advanced Creative Writing* 3
ENG 455 Methods of Teaching Composition and Grammar 3

*No more than 6 hours may be earned via creative writing courses

**Completion of all 12 hours (MLG 450, 451, 452 and 453) will earn student an EL/TESOL certification

Study Abroad For all majors, study abroad is strongly recommended; certain languages have a required study abroad component. For further information, please consult with your program advisor.  
Senior Seminar MLG 470 | Senior Seminar 1
General Electives Sufficient elective hours must be taken to meet the minimum hour requirement for graduation in this program. Electives should be chosen in consultation with advisor. 39
Total Hours   130