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The following is intended as a brief overview of the Foreign Language & International Trade (FLIT) major curriculum. For full details regarding required classes, please see the Academic Catalog.

Course Number Course Name Hours
University Core University Core Requirements (*see exceptions below) 36

FLIT Specified

Social Sciences Core

* To replace University Core Social Sciences Requirement:

MLG 205 | Cross-Cultural Understanding

FLIT Specified Mathematics Core

*To replace University Core Mathematics Requirement:

MAT 121 | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I or

MAT 122 | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II or

MAT 205 | Finite Mathematics or

MAT 206 | Applied Calculus

Language Requirements 36 hours in a single language, either French or Spanish, are required  


Core Requirements

Two units of high school French may be substituted for FRE 101 and 102 18
FRE 101 Elementary French I 3
FRE 102 Elementary French II 3
FRE 201 Intermediate French I 3

FRE 202 or

FRE 209

Intermediate French II or

Intermediate French Conversation

French Electives Six hours of electives in French are required 6


Group 1 Requirements

French Conversation, Grammar, and Civilization 6

FRE 309 or

FRE 310 

Advanced French Conversation & Composition I  or

Advanced French Conversation & Composition II 


FRE 315 or

FRE 350 or

FRE 440

French Civilization or

Advanced French Grammar or

Special Topics in French Civilization



Group 2 Requirements

French Literature and Film 6

FRE 401 or

FRE 402

Survey of French Literature or

Selected Topics in French Literature


FRE 416 or

FRE 440

Survey of Film in the French-Speaking World or

Selected Topics in French Literature



Group 3 Requirements

French Linguistics and Special Content 6

FRE 375 or

FRE 440

French Phonetics & Pronunciation or

Selected Topics in French Linguistics

FRE 420 French for Business 3


Core Requirements

Two units of high school Spanish may be substituted for SPA 101 and 102 18
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I 3
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II 3
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I 3

SPA 202 or

SPA 209

Intermediate Spanish II or

Intermediate Spanish Conversation

Spanish Electives Six hours of electives in Spanish are required 6


Group 1 Requirements

Spanish Conversation, Grammar, and Civilization 6

SPA 309 or

SPA 310 

Advanced Spanish Conversation & Composition I  or

Advanced Spanish Conversation & Composition II 


SPA 315 or

SPA 316 or

SPA 350 or

SPA 440

Spanish Civilization or

Latin-American Civilization or

Advanced Spanish Grammar or

Selected Topics in Spanish Civilization


Group 2 Requirements

Spanish Literature and Film 6

SPA 410 or

SPA 402 or

SPA 402 or

SPA 404

Survey of Spanish Literature or

Selected Topics in Spanish Literature or

Survey of Latin American Literature or

Open Topics in Latin American Literature

SPA 415 or

SPA 425 or

SPA 440

Survey of Film in the Spanish-Speaking World or

Survey of Spanish Short Story or

Selected Topics in Spanish Literature


Group 3 Requirements

Spanish Linguistics and Special Content 6

SPA 375 or

SPA 440

Spanish Phonetics & Phonology or

Special Topics in Spanish Linguistics

SPA 420  Spanish for Business 
Business Core Requirements    12 
ACC 201  Principles of Accounting I
ACC 202  Principles of Accounting II

ECO 231 or

ECO 232

Principles of Macroeconomics or

Principles of Microeconomics

FIN 341 Business Finance 3
Business Electives Six hours of electives in Business are required; choose two courses from the following recommended list: 6
ECO 231 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
GBU 321 Business Communications 3
GBU 355 Global Dimensions of Business 3
GBU 358 Business Law & Ethics 3
MGT 371 Principles of Managment & Organizational Behavior 3

MIS 226 or

MIS 327

Business Software Skills & Applications or

Introduction to Management Informations Systems

MKT 381 Marketing Principles 3
Statistics Requirement Three hours of Statistics are required; chose one of the following courses: 3

GBU 251 or

MAT 207 or

PSY 301 or

SOC 312

Business Statistics I or

Elementary Statistics or

Psychological Statistics or

Social Science Research Methods

Language Major Requirement MLG 305 | Cross-Cultural Leadership 3
Study Abroad Requirement For students taking French as their core language, 18 credit hours taken during a term abroad is required; for all other languages, study abroad is strongly recommended  
Senior Seminar MLG 470 | Senior Seminar 1
General Electives  Sufficient elective hours must be taken to meet the minimum hour requirement for graduation in this program; electives should be chosen in consultation with advisor 33
Total Hours   130 
Course Number Course Name Hours
University Core University Core Requirements (*see exceptions below) 36

FLIT Specified

Social Sciences Core

* To replace University Core Social Sciences Requirement:

MLG 205 | Cross-Cultural Understanding

FLIT Specified Mathematics Core

*To replace University Core Mathematics Requirement:

MAT 121 | Calculus with Analytic Geometry I or

MAT 122 | Calculus with Analytic Geometry II or

MAT 205 | Finite Mathematics or

MAT 206 | Applied Calculus

Language  Requirements 21 hours in a primary language, either French or Spanish, and 15 hours in a secondary language  
Primary Language Requirements: FRENCH Two units of high school French may be substituted for FRE 101 and 102 21
FRE 101 Elementary French I 3
FRE 102 Elementary French II 3
FRE 201 Intermediate French I 3

FRE 202 or

FRE 209

Intermediate French II or

Intermediate French Conversation

FRE 420  French for Business 
French Electives Six hours of electives in French are required, chosen in consultation with advisor 6
Primary Language Requirements: SPANISH Two units of high school Spanish may be substituted for SPA 101 and 102 21
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I 3
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II 3
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I 3

SPA 202 or

SPA 209

Intermediate Spanish II or

Intermediate Spanish Conversation

SPA 420  Spanish for Business 
Spanish Electives Six hours of electives in Spanish are required, chosen in consultation with advisor 6
Secondary Language Requirements 15 hours of a secondary language are required, including 101, 102, 201 and 202. Language choices include: Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.  15
Business Core Requirements    12
ACC 201  Principles of Accounting I 3
ACC 202  Principles of Accounting II

ECO 231 or

ECO 232

Principles of Macroeconomics or

Principles of Microeconomics

FIN 341 Business Finance 3
Business Electives Six hours of electives in Business are required; choose two courses from the following recommended list: 6
ECO 231 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
GBU 321 Business Communications 3
GBU 355 Global Dimensions of Business 3
GBU 358 Business Law & Ethics 3
MGT 371 Principles of Managment & Organizational Behavior 3

MIS 226 or

MIS 327

Business Software Skills & Applications or

Introduction to Management Informations Systems

MKT 381 Marketing Principles 3
Statistics Requirement Three hours of Statistics are required; chose one of the following courses: 3

GBU 251 or

MAT 207 or

PSY 301 or

SOC 312

Business Statistics I or

Elementary Statistics or

Psychological Statistics or

Social Science Research Methods

Major Language Requirement MLG 305 | Cross-Cultural Leadership 3
Study Abroad Requirement For students taking French as their primary language, 18 credit hours taken during a term abroad is required; for all other languages, study abroad is strongly recommended  
Senior Seminar MLG 470 | Senior Seminar 1
General Electives  Sufficient elective hours must be taken to meet the minimum hour requirement for graduation in this program. Electives should be chosen in consultation with advisor. 33
Total Hours   130