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Investing in Future Generations

Investing in Future Generations

Former ±«Óãtvfaculty member leaves legacy through estate plan

Guest column by Lindsey Smith Wiseman, wealth relationship manager, Trustmark          

After working at Mississippi College for all of my adult life (I came to ±«Óãtvas a faculty member in 1984), some would say that I have given much to The University. I would counter that ±«Óãtvhas given much to me. 

It has provided me a place to make friends, do good to others, and receive good from others. It is a warm Christian atmosphere in which to thrive. So, my husband and I have agreed to make Mississippi College the benefactor of our estate.

Through the years, I have seen ±«Óãtvstudents do great things, and I want to be a part of that legacy. My husband is a residential architect and points proudly to the houses he has designed, I point proudly to MC’s students and their accomplishments.

 Of course, resources are required to help these students attain their full potential. I am happy to know that my estate can help them.

An  example of ±«Óãtvgraduates who have  impacted their communities is this photo of SGA officers from 2006: Their current status follows their names. 



Starting at back left:

  • Michael Ward, head tennis coach at, Mississippi College;
  • Lee Walker of the, Tupelo Eye Clinic;
  • Brandon Hembree, lead pastor of ;
  • Shawn Harris, vice president and commercial banker at;;
  • Megan Trochesset, teacher at; Jackson Public Schools;
  • Meghan Kash Meyers, teacher at; Madison County Schools;
  • Wes McGehee, physician assistant at; Arkansas Children's Hospital;
  • Jenny Tate, communication officer at the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Park Campus
  • Lindsey Smith Wiseman, wealth relationship manager, .

When noting the importance of resource support for ±«Óãtvstudents, Tate said “I hope this opens doors for people that have never seen ±«Óãtvas an option, and for people like me who were only able to go to ±«Óãtvbecause of scholarship dollars.”

If this is what resources can produce for ±«Óãtv– I’m all in!

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