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Griffith Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201 601.925.7136 (office) 601.750.9166 (cell) 601.925.7113 (fax)  HYPERLINK "mailto:steffey@mc.edu" steffey@mc.edu  HYPERLINK "http://law.mc.edu/faculty/directory/matthew-steffey" http://law.mc.edu/faculty/directory/matthew-steffey EDUCATION Columbia University School of Law New York, New York LL.M., May 1990 Florida State University College of Law Tallahassee, Florida JD, May 1987, with High Honors Order of the Coif; Florida State University Law Review University of South Florida Tampa, Florida BA, May 1984, English and American Literature EXPERIENCE Professor of Law Mississippi College School of Law Jackson, Mississippi Professor since 1996; Associate Professor 1993-1995; Assistant Professor 1990-1992 Courses Taught: Constitutional Law, Evidence, Criminal Law, Admiralty, Supreme Court Roleplaying, Law & Literature, Civil Rights, Comparative Law (in Merida, Mexico and Seoul, South Korea), Comparative Civil Rights (in Havana, Cuba), Constitutional Law Seminar, Externship Program, Appellate Advocacy, and First Amendment. Faculty Committees and Service: Honor Court (Faculty Advisor); Student Services (Chair); Promotion and Tenure (Chair), Automation and Information (Chair); Faculty Appointments (Chair); Admissions (Chair); Academic Support (Chair); Academic Standards (Chair); Library (Chair); Facilities (Chair); Committee on Committees, Post-Tenure Review, LL.M. Development; Scholarship; Strategic Planning and Assessment; Library Director Search; Order of the Coif Study; Academic Program; Faculty Development; Mission and Purpose; Long Range Planning; Faculty Retreat; Internship (campus wide). Moot Court Board Advisor; Coach, Moot Court Competition Team, New York Bar Association National Moot Court Competition (2009, 2008, 2007, 1997) (National Runner-up in 2009); Coach, Moot Court Competition Team, ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition (2000, 1995, 1993, 1992) (National Finalists in 1995); Coach, Judge John R. Brown Admiralty Moot Court Competition (2013, 2012) Visiting Professor, ChengDu Institute of Technology (Fall 2016); Director, Cuba Study Abroad Program (2016-present); Founding Director, Mexico Study Abroad Program (2009-2011); Co-Director, Korea Study Abroad Program (2010). Associate Attorney Carlton, Fields Tampa, Florida, 1987-1989 Civil litigation practice in state and federal trial and appellate courts. Significant concentrations in federal motion practice and state appellate practice. Member of the Florida Bar since 1987 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS AND RESEARCH Constitutional Considerations, 37 Miss. C. L. Rev 17 (2018). Mississippi Rules of Criminal Procedure and Comments (2017) (as Advisory Committee Reporter). Restyled Mississippi Rules of Evidence (2016) (as Advisory Committee Reporter). Mississippi Criminal Procedure: Proposed Rules and Comments, 32 Miss. Coll. L. Rev. 1 (2013) (special edition) (book-length treatment of criminal procedure reform). Mississippi Rules Annotated (The Mississippi Bar, 2002, 2000, 1998 and 1996) (Historical Notes and Annotations for the Mississippi Rules of Appellate Procedure). Foreword, Criminal Law Symposium, 19 Miss. C. L. Rev 1 (issue 2) (1999). Constitutional Fidelity, 19 Miss. C. L. Rev. 43 (1998). Foreword: A Hard Case and an Intractable Problem, 18 Miss. C. L. Rev. 1 (1997). The Establishment Clause and the Lessons of Context 26 Rutgers L.J. 775 (1995). Negligence, Contract, and Architects Liability for Economic Loss, 82 Ky. L.J. 659 (1993). Foreword: Religious Participation in Public Debate, 14 Miss. C. L. Rev. 1 (1993). report of the commission on the courts in the 21st century (Editor) (book-length project) (The Mississippi Bar, July 1, 1993) (republished at 14 Miss. C. L. Rev. 511 (1994) (abstracted in the June/July 1993 issue of The Mississippi Lawyer). Meeting Judicial Needs: An Intermediate Appellate Court for Mississippi, Public Administration Survey, v. 40, no. 3 (Spring 1993) (with John D. Winkle III and Amy D. Whitten). Redefining the Modern Constraints of the Establishment Clause: Separable Principles of Equality, Subsidy, Endorsement, and Church Autonomy, 75 Marq. L. Rev. 903 (1992). A Report on CUNY's Experiment in Humanistic Legal Education: Adrift toward Mainstream, 59 UMKC L. Rev. 155 (1991) (with Paulette Wunsch). Florida's Economic Loss Rule: A Critical Look at the Cases, 64 Fla. B.J. 19 (May 1990). Manufacturers' or Marketers' Liability for the Criminal Use of Saturday Night Specials: A New Common Law Approach--Kelley v. R.G. Industries, 497 A.2d 1143 (Md. 1985), 14 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 151 (1986) (student note). SELECTED PRESENTATIONS Evidence Update, Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Conference, 2015-2018 Supreme Court Review/Preview, Mississippi Appellate Court Judges and Attorneys, 2003-August 2018 Constitution Day Lecture, Mississippi College, 2009-2018 Pending and Proposed Amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence, Mississippi Bankruptcy Conference Seminar, Fall 2017 Mindfulness for Student Success, Mindfulness in Law Schools Conference, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, August 2017 Supreme Court Review, Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Conference, 2010-2016 The Supreme Court after Justice Scalia, Federal Bar Association, Spring 2016 Race and Gender Workshop, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, August 2013 & August 2015 Evidence for Adjudicators, National Association of Workers Compensation Judiciary Conference, August 2013 Creationism in the Classroom, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, August 2013 Pursing Academic and Scholarly Opportunities Abroad, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, July 2012 Moderator, New Scholars Workshop, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, July 2006, July 2010, August 2015 United States Supreme Court and Legislative Update: Individual Rights, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, July 2009 "Has the Electoral College Outlived its Usefulness?," Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, July 2003 SELECTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Reporter, Mississippi Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Rules (since 1991) Evidence Rules and Notes Rules of Appellate Procedure and Comments Criminal Procedure Rules and Comments Rules of Civil Procedure and Notes Circuit and County Court Practice Chancery Court Practice Complex Litigation Small Claims Litigation Reporter, Mississippi Judicial Advisory Study Committee, Subcommittee on Criminal Code Reform (July 1994 to present) Reporter, Mississippi Supreme Court Uniform Criminal Rules Study Committee (February 2005 May 2012) Reporter, Mississippi Bar Commission on the Courts in the 21st Century (December 1992 to July 1993) Personal Data and Community Service I am married to Adrienne Dupr and have two adult children -- Calvin, a member of the Mississippi Bar and tvLaw graduate, and Erin, a registered nurse in the pediatric emergency division at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. We are active Episcopalians, where Ive taught adult Sunday school and where, among many other places, Ive also taught mediation practice. I frequently speak to legal and community groups. I also serve as a volunteer attorney with the law schools Mission First Legal Aid Office. I have contributed analysis and commentary on legal issues and political matters for hundreds of television, radio, print, and internet programs and news reports.       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